v4.0 [Apr 20, 2009]
- Changed so that editor elements are kept in fixed positions
- Fixed previews of Adobe Flash Lite files
- New graphical user interface design.
- Added new phones C901, C903, C510, G705, W508, W595, W715, W902, W995 and T700.
- There is now a wizard in which full featured themes can be created in a few minutes.
- When hovering the mouse pointer on a element's control, the element will be highlighted in the preview.
- User may import Adobe Swatch Exchange files that is used to colorize the theme.
- The latest news from Sony Ericsson Developer World can be read in the RSS news viewer.
- Application will check and notify if there is a later version available for download.
- Updated information on the currently selected phone can be viewed in an info-box.
Software application that enhances the functionality of your Sony Ericsson mobile phone.
Theme Maker allows you to create and share custom themes for Encrypt4all product